
Sekaran: Table of Contents

  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • New To This Edition
  • Hallmark Features
Chapter 1. Introduction to Research.

Chapter 2. Scientific Investigation.

Chapter 3. Technology and Business Research.

Chapter 4. The Research Process: Steps 1 to 3: The Broad Problem Area, Preliminary Data Gathering, Problem Definition.

Chapter 5. The Research Process: Steps 4 and 5: Theoretical Framework Hypothesis Development.

Chapter 6. The Research Process: Step 6: Elements of Research Design.

Chapter 7. Experimental Designs.

Chapter 8. Measurement of Variables: Operational Definition and Scales.

Chapter 9. Measurement: Scaling, Reliability, Validity.

Chapter 10. Data Collection Methods.

Chapter 11. Sampling.

Chapter 12. Data Analysis and Interpretation.

Chapter 13. The Research Report.

Chapter 14. Managerial Decision Making and Research.

Module: A Refresher on Some Statistical Terms and Tests.

A Final Note to the Student.

Glossary of Terms.


Statistical Tables.


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